1ST PRIZE – 1998 Design competition for urban regeneration of the historic center of Folgaria (with O.Facchini)

1ST PRIZE – 1999 Interbrennero S.p.A. Design competition for the New Directional Centre of Interport Trento (with R.Ferrari)

1ST PRIZE – 1999 Amm. Levico Terme - National competition for urban regeneration of the old town of Levico Terme (with O.Facchini)

3RD PRIZE – 2000 Amm. Cles - National competition for the preliminary design of new structures barracks VV.F volunteers Cles                                                    (with O.Facchini)

3RD PRIZE– 2000 Amm. Lavis - National competition to design "a school for the third millennium" (with O.Facchini)

1ST PRIZE – 2001 Trentino Parcheggi s.p.a. - Competition for the design of the new car park “S.Chiara” (con P.Zulian)

1ST PRIZE – 2002 Amm. Soraga - National competition to design "redevelopment of the lake and the surrounding area" (with P.Zulian)

2ND PRIZE – 2002 Amm. S.Orsola - National competition for the design of the sports area Tadesia for the construction of a gym, tennis court, furniture and public green area (with P.Zulian)

RECOGNITION - 2003 Amm. Moena - National competition for the design of the Navalge area (with P.Zulian)

2ND PRIZE – 2004 Amm. Siena - International competition in two phases for the design of the new car park area ex-Sita in Siena (with P.Zulian and O.Facchini)

RECOGNITION - 2007 Amm. Taio - International competition to design a new park equipped in the fraction of Segno (with P.Zulian)

2ND PRIZE – 2009 A.S.U.C. di Gries, Canazei - International Competition of ideas for the renovation and expansion of the public park in the fraction of Gries (with P.Zulian)

1ST PRIZE – 2010 Eighteenth International Competition “System Author”